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In Christus

By Callie Roos

Die boek is nie juis vir slaaptyd bedoel nie. In hierdie fassinerende reis oor wat dit beteken om in Christus te wees, skryf Callie padlangs eerlik. Hy gaan jou ook aan die hand van 'n klompie boeiende verhale wys hoe om hierdie nuwe identiteit konkreet uit te leef. Dit doen hy vanuit sy eie lewenswysheid, maar ook vanuit sy fyn aanvoeling vir die boodskap van die Nuwe Testament. In die proses slag Callie sonder om te skroom 'n paar heilige koeie. Hy noem die godsdiensolifante in die kamer reguit op die naam. Tog verval hy nooit in die mode van ons dag om liefdeloos korrel te vat op al wat 'n godsdiensinstelling is nie. Hiervoor is sy agternaleef van die lewe in Christus net te outentiek. Callie verstaan die lewe reg. Hy verstaan die lewe in Christus vars. Daarom sal sy insigte in hoe om die Bybel konkreet in die regte lewe te laat grond raak en hoe om Christus agterna te loop, jou om elke hoek en draai verras. Laat staan alles en lees hierdie boek. Dit gaan jou dalk na jou asem laat snak en jou hele lewe omkeer ... maar alles ten goede!

  • Format: Softcover Book
  • Pages: 208
  • ISBN No: 9781928248101
  • Excludes: Postage & Packaging


By Callie Roos

Jy kry een kans om die spoor te trap op planeet aarde, wat jy behoort te trap. In hierdie strewe na 'n meer sinvolle reis beleef jy 'n intense innerlike stryd om die regte goed te doen, minder tyd te mors, die regte keuses te maak en meer vreugde te ervaar. Die Wandelaar is geskryf vir gewone mense wat die reis meer sinvol wil aanpak. Mense, jonk en oud, wat weet dat daar ten diepste iets meer sou kon wees, 'n ander uitkoms as dit waarmee hulle nou mee besig is. Mense wat hul greep op die toekoms en hulle rol daarin verloor het. Die vraag word gevra na die groot les op ons lewensreis: Is daar so 'n les? Die groot een! Geniet die boek en uiteindelik ook jou reis wanneer jy dit vir jouself ontdek.

  • Format: Softcover Book
  • Pages: 128
  • ISBN No: 9781920084776
  • Excludes: Postage & Packaging


By Callie Roos

You only get one chance to make your mark and leave tracks you intended to. Wanderer was written for ordinary people who would like to embark on their life's journey with a greater sense of purpose. People who are deeply convinced that there is a deeper meaning than the one they are actively living right now. It is for those who have lost touch with the future and can no longer see their own role in it. The book explores the possibility of a special secret we need to discover as we strive towards a more meaningful journey.

  • Format: Softcover Book
  • Pages: 128
  • ISBN No: 9781920261023
  • Excludes: Postage & Packaging

Journey without Boundaries - currently unavailable

By Col Andre Diedericks

A book that is often referred to during Callie Roos keynotes and experiences is about the extraordinary tale of an extraordinary man. An honestly told story of his military career, of a man who was twice decorated for valour, who pioneered and developed the concept of "small team reconnaissance" within the South African Special Forces. He was a consummate warrior and gentleman and has told his story with humility and a disarming sense that what he did was simply the job he was given, when even the most cursory reading will show that it was anything but simple or easy. From start to finish, his life was truly a "Journey without Boundaries".

  • Format: Softcover Book
  • Pages: 194
  • ISBN No: 9781920169589
  • Excludes: Postage & Packaging

On Track Principles

A DVD on Advancing to Significance

The 5 On Track principles is the starting point in becoming "On Purpose" with the journey of life and business and live a life of true meaning and significance. You will discover for yourself what makes life worthwhile. If this call is ignored, no amount of external success could possibly make you feel complete. In this DVD, Callie uses the 5 principles of Tracking in the African Wilderness as a metaphor for life's journey.Please note that we have recently rebranded our image and much of our stock is still being rebranded. The ordered product may therefore not be as per the illustrative image.

Please note that we have recently rebranded our image and much of our stock is still being rebranded. The ordered product may therefore not be as per the illustrative image.

  • Format: DVD
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Excludes: Postage & Packaging


A DVD on Time

One of the reasons why businesses fail is we find it so hard to just stop and reflect on what is really happening. The skill that we have lost is that of true reflection and although it could be robust, it needs to be constructive. In this, the skill of dialogue is introduced and explained as part of an age old tradition for all cultures on the planet. It is not about our differences, it is really about creating more meaning and understanding first.

Please note that we have recently rebranded our image and much of our stock is still being rebranded. The ordered product may therefore not be as per the illustrative image.

  • Format: DVD
  • Duration: 15 mins
  • Excludes: Postage & Packaging


A DVD on Priority Planning

Often in life, people are not successful simply because they do not have a plan. They find it hard to plan with the end in mind, to play with alternatives and to become flexible in achieving the results they want. It is all about buffer capacity and how to protect that buffer in your planning. For this you need to be way more pro-active in your approach to do your planning more integrated.

Please note that we have recently rebranded our image and much of our stock is still being rebranded. The ordered product may therefore not be as per the illustrative image.

  • Format: DVD
  • Duration: 15 mins
  • Excludes: Postage & Packaging


A DVD on High Energy Levels

We are all driven by fear and often the baggage that we carry with us. We were never designed as human beings for this. In this experience I learned to take all my energy to the inner circle of my existence. The things that I can influence is what I focus on and in doing so, I become more creative.

Please note that we have recently rebranded our image and much of our stock is still being rebranded. The ordered product may therefore not be as per the illustrative image.

  • Format: DVD
  • Duration: 15 mins
  • Excludes: Postage & Packaging


A DVD on Sharing

During survival in the African bushveld savannah I had to learn how to survive. Initially a lot of energy was wasted on the things that I had no control over. I soon realized there is an alternative. For this I needed to learn to share and give away what I have. If others become good at what they are doing, we will all benefit from it. From this survival experience I learned how important it is to have time and energy to become creative and how to manage my time more effectively.

Please note that we have recently rebranded our image and much of our stock is still being rebranded. The ordered product may therefore not be as per the illustrative image.

  • Format: DVD
  • Duration: 15 mins
  • Excludes: Postage & Packaging


A DVD on Complexity

The termite mount is a great example of a colony of termites that has created an amazing system that actually works for 24 hours, seven days a week, through different seasons and changes. The astounding thing is that everything they do, is interconnected and integrated for survival. Ultimately they serve a purpose in the bigger eco system and so should we.

Please note that we have recently rebranded our image and much of our stock is still being rebranded. The ordered product may therefore not be as per the illustrative image.

  • Format: DVD
  • Duration: 15 mins
  • Excludes: Postage & Packaging


A DVD on "If only I had known"

"If only I had known." It is all about setting priorities knowing it is hard work to get what you want. In this video it becomes clear that we know more than what we think, the obvious. What we need to figure out is how to share it and how to do it. One of the key principles is to do less, but to be more effective in what you do.

Please note that we have recently rebranded our image and much of our stock is still being rebranded. The ordered product may therefore not be as per the illustrative image.

  • Format: DVD
  • Duration: 15 mins
  • Excludes: Postage & Packaging